A FUNDRAISER has been set up to help pay for a new heating system at a village church.

Ian Granger, who is the vicar of St Paul’s Church in Seaton, set the fundraiser up as the new heating system is estimated to cost £22,000.

He said: “Over the years, we have had significant issues with the boiler house at St Paul's flooding and each time there has been a flood further damage has been caused to the boiler.

“The boiler, which is at least 35 years old and not as efficient as it should be, is now in need of replacing.

“The Parochial Church Council has submitted an application to the Diocese of Carlisle for this work to be done.

“The estimated costs of the work is, in total, £22,000, and although we have some funds that we can use we still need to raise between £6,000 and £9,000 to reach the target.

“As well as seeking donations to help with the work there will be various fundraising initiatives over the next few months.

“Through crowdfunding, we hope to reach as many people as we can, especially those who have special memories of St Paul’s, both those living locally and those who have moved away and who may not be able to support our other fundraising activities.”

He added, on the other methods of fundraising the church will seek: “It will just be general fundraising ideas, like pub quizzes and things like that, and general donations that we’re seeking.”

The crowdfund has a target of £5k, of which £20 has been raised so far at the time of reporting.

To donate, visit the fundraising website at https://www.crowdfunder.co.uk/p/st-pauls-heating-appeal-2023#start.