A 69-year-old local man is set to defy his age by taking part in a parachute jump for charity later this month.

John Hunter is set to plunge down to the ground from 1,500 feet as part of a tandem jump on Sunday, March 19 for the Carlisle Mayor’s Charity, which this year is supporting the Jigsaw ward at the Hospice, Carlisle Key, CFM Cash for Kids and Carlisle Youth Zone.

The jump was donated by Councillor Elizabeth Mallinson, on the understanding that whoever did this raised money for the mayor’s charity.

Over £700 has already been raised by Mr Hunter who said that the jump and the money already raised is ‘not bad for a 69-year-old!’

The annual charity ball was held last month and was hailed as a great success.

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Last year Carlisle’s Mayoral Charity Fund raised £10,172.56 for local charities Carlisle Eden Mind and Oak Tree Animal's Charity.