A BESPOKE SUIT that was designed in Wigton made its champagne carpet debut as Charlie Mackesy picked up the Oscar at the prestigious Hollywood Ceremony. 

Charlie, who is from Northumberland and went to school in Hexham, picked up the academy award for best animated short film on Sunday (March 12), for the BBC’s adaptation of his book - The Boy, The Mole, The Fox And The Horse. 

Wigton’s Redmayne 1860, who also have an outlet on London’s Mayfair, watched on as their custom suit grabbed the centre-stage limelight, viewed from all across the world. 

Mackesy, 60, said he was "speechless" following the win, but that stories he had been told about the effects of his work were "gold".

The business, which is run by husband and wife Tom and Claire Mahon, said it's great that a "little firm like this can punch above its weight". 

"Some of the producers of the film are clients of ours and one thing led to another, so we ended up getting Charlie in for a fitting. 

"We got on really well, Charlie is a lovely guy. He's one of those classic overnight successes that has taken him 40 years," said Tom. 

Tom, who is the head cutter and still uses a pair of shears that once cut cloth for the suits of the likes of Hollywood superstar Fred Astaire, said "it was special to make something for him." 

After its publication in 2019, The Boy, The Mole, The Fox And The Horse was named book of the year by Waterstones and was shortlisted for the British Book Awards’ non-fiction lifestyle book of the year.