THE chair of Cumbria's Local Enterprise Partnership responded to the publication of the government's Powering Up Britain plan.

Craig Hatch of Cumbria LEP’s Clean Energy Panel, comments: “The LEP welcomes the publication of Powering Up Britain, which recognises the importance of cheaper, cleaner, domestic sources of energy, going forward. Cumbria produces 5.6 per cent of the UK’s renewable energy so we are extremely well placed to take forward the priorities within Powering up Britain."

“Nuclear generation is a vital component of future electricity generation with Great British Nuclear now poised to deliver a national co-ordinated programme, which is to be welcomed, as is Government’s support for Small Modular Reactors (SMRs).

"Cumbria is ideally placed to take forward SMRs, given our heritage and expertise, from both a siting and manufacturing perspective. We look forward to playing our part in making Powering Up Britain a reality.”