A broadband company has announced a fund programme partnership to award funding to communities in need.

Fibrus, which is rolling out its network in the county, has partnered up with Cumbria Community Foundation to launch Fibrus Community Fund Cumbria.

Fibrus said the fund’s main goal is to support those experiencing digital poverty in rural areas, with a particular focus on grassroots organisations and community groups.

They said successful grants will be allocated to support ‘on-the-ground digital technology projects’ which make key differences to communities, enhancing people’s lives and well-being.

Fibrus’ CEO, Dominic Kearns, said: “We will invest £60,000 in the Fibrus Community Fund Cumbria in 2023, to give back to some of the organisations doing wonderful work to enhance and support towns and villages across Cumbria.

“We’re looking for projects specifically aimed at young people who need greater access to technology or connectivity, as well as initiatives that combat digital exclusion amongst those more vulnerable in our society.”

Jenny Benson, director of programmes and partnerships at Cumbria Community Foundation, said: “Digital connectivity has increasingly become a daily necessity for us to live our lives, particularly in rural areas.

“However, the most vulnerable members of our communities often struggle to afford, access or use digital technologies.”