A BELOVED community pub in Morton is set to reopen on Saturday, having been taken on by two local entrepreneurs.

The Royal Scot sadly closed its doors in September after previous landlords Mike and Maxine Grierson decided to retire, but the pub has been taken on by two local lads and past regulars at the pub.

Adam Smith and Jordan Morrison began their business by selling items off a cart at the Carlisle fire show, and used the money to buy a burger van before opening ‘Stackerz Grill Bar’ on Botchergate.

The pair have invested their own money - and a considerable amount of time - into the Royal Scot to ensure it is ready for opening day on Saturday, April 8.

News and Star: The new beer garden at the Royal ScotThe new beer garden at the Royal Scot (Image: Isaac Cooper)The Covid pandemic and the cost-of-living crisis have made times hard for businesses in Carlisle, but Adam and Jordan are 'confident' that the Royal Scot will be a success.

“We've been coming here all the time for years and we know that everyone's dying for this place to be open,” said the pair.

“What's good about this place is you've got two sides of the bar.

“You've got the snug, which is a side that we're in now, so you can have drink and a bit of music and then you've got the lounge side, which is more family orientated where you can have some nice food and a drink.

News and Star: The pair have put in new furnishing in the pubThe pair have put in new furnishing in the pub (Image: Isaac Cooper)“We’re born and raised round here, and we know basically everyone round here which makes things a bit easier – we’re not outsiders coming in thinking we can rule the roost, but can relate and get on with everyone.”

Jordan and Adam have big plans for the pub, including bringing in an award-winning chef, but they also want to keep the Royal Scot at the heart of the Morton community.

The pub is set to hold a big opening family event on Saturday, April 8 to celebrate the re-opening, with a funfair and a DJ playing music from the 70s, 80s and 90s.

The Royal Scot is also still looking for bar staff and anybody interested is urged to get in touch on Facebook.