A TAXI driver who was pulled over by police due to his speed was more than nine times the limit for cocaine.

Darren Weston, 36, was taking another taxi driver home just after midnight on December 20 when he was noticed by officers, Workington Magistrates’ Court heard.

Peter Kelly, prosecuting, said police who were on patrol in Workington saw the Skoda being driven by Weston and had concerns about the speed of the vehicle.

He was pulled over on Church Road in Harrington and was spoken to. A drugs wipe gave a positive indication for cocaine. The defendant was arrested and taken to the police station.

A blood sample was taken which showed he had 95mcg of cocaine per litre of blood. The limit is 10mcg.

Mr Kelly said Weston had not been in trouble for over a decade and had been co-operative with police.

The defendant, of Bowness Court, Workington, pleaded guilty to driving a motor vehicle with a proportion of a specified controlled drug above the specified limit.

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John Cooper, defending, said: “Speaking to Mr Weston, he is confident someone has reported him to the police. The officer knew his name when he got out.

“It’s a guilty plea at the first opportunity. He has always been a gentleman who has stayed out of trouble.

“Things have got the better of him. He has been on a night out, offered it and taken it.

“He is a taxi driver. He was in a taxi. There’s no suggestion he was working. He will lose his job. He lives with his partner. He has four children. He is going to lose everything.

“There was someone else in the car. Another taxi driver going home. Not a paying customer.”

Weston was banned from driving for 14 months. He was fined £120 and must pay £85 costs and a £48 victim surcharge.