A LUCKY family is over the moon after winning a £70,000 campervan in an online raffle competition. 

Sarah Dickinson, from Carlisle, won the sleek Volkswagon Transporter campervan by playing Northern Competitions' online raffle - making it one of the company's most valuable prizes to be won so far. 

"It's amazing, I couldn't believe it. I've always wanted a campervan for years, it's an absolute beauty," Sarah said. 

"It's going to be perfect for the Easter weekend, we've not got plans yet but we'll have to make some now.

"I'd played a few times with Northern Competitions but then gave up because I hadn't won but, I couldn't resist a go at the campervan though. 

"I only bought two tickets, it wasn't a bad return for £9.98 in spending. 

"I think I've probably used my luck but if there's another good price, you never know, I might try again," she said.

The campervan comes with a bed space both in the back and by also extending the roof - making it the perfect space to take on the road with the family.

"My partner and I have five children between us, a bit of a tribe, I don't think we'll all fit in at once but we look forward to getting away over the summer," she said.

Owner of the business, Ryan Dodgson - aka The Raffle King, said: "It's fantastic to finally be in a position to be giving away life-changing prizes.

"This family will have so many fantastic times in the campervan and it's all down to Northern Competitions," he said. 

Winners who have been playing Northern Competitions have bagged everything from gaming consoles, air-fryers and Louis Vuitton bags in the past.

Last week, a woman from Carlisle also scooped the online competition's biggest cash prize to date, £100,000

If you're interested in chancing your arm, visit the company's website.