A DELIVERY driver who forgot to apply the handbrake on his vehicle was racially abused by the customer he was delivering food to.

Connor Elliott, 20, had ordered food to his Workington address on January 21, Workington Magistrates’ Court was told.

Pamela Fee, prosecuting, said the victim arrived at the address but failed to put his handbrake on. The vehicle rolled and hit Elliott’s father’s car.

Elliott came outside and started shouting ‘get back to your own country’. He was also using a racist slur.

The defendant ‘got right in the victim’s face’ and raised his fist as if to punch him, the court was told.

The victim moved away from Elliott and contacted the police. Elliott’s family forced him back into the address.

Elliott was interviewed but denied racially aggravated assault. He denied the allegation that he stood on the victim’s foot. He said he didn’t intend to put him in fear of violence.

Ms Fee said the victim was ‘simply doing his job’, delivering food, and had been racially abused for his efforts.

A victim impact statement read to the court said: “The incident made me really upset. I shouldn’t have to put up with this racist behaviour, just because I’m from a different nationality. I didn’t say anything back.”

Elliott, of Newlands Lane South, Workington, pleaded guilty to racially aggravated assault.

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John Cooper, defending, said: “He co-operated in interview. He accepts he shouted and carried on and it would have caused the other person to be in fear.

“He denies there was any physical contact. His main focus when he went out was his father’s car. He said he didn’t throw a punch but his arms were waving about.

“We have heard how the incident started. He was looking outside the window. Saw the car roll into his father’s car. He [the victim] said it hadn’t happened.

“He [Elliott] is a gentleman who was 19 years of age. I think there are some mental health issues. There is some immaturity.

“It’s a guilty plea at the first opportunity. He expressed remorse.”

Passing sentence, lead magistrate Nick Holt-Kentwell, said: “We find this kind of behaviour is really not acceptable, especially the fact there was a severe racial element involved.”

Elliott was fined £120 and must pay £85 costs and a £48 victim surcharge. He must also pay £50 in compensation to the victim.