OVER 100 Cumbrians made the trip to London last weekend as part of climate campaign Extinction Rebellion, with a Cumberland councillor among them. 

XR North Lakes estimated that around 130 Cumbrians went to the capital over the weekend as part of a protest, with Green Party Cllr Helen Davison saying it felt like 'being in Carlisle'. 

Councillor Davison said: "It has been a truly amazing event with so many different people from different backgrounds from across the country and from over 200 organisations, all wanting to create the better world for us all that we know could exist if governments and big corporations took the right action. 

"I met so many Cumbrians down there, it was like being in Carlisle," she said. 

"I heard talks ranging from how investment in wind, solar, proper building insulation, public transport and zero carbon and waste industries could create over 6,000 good jobs in Cumbria alone and over 1 million across the UK. 

"We need to fact-check what we are being told because there is so much misinformation, lies, and greenwash being put out there through those with vested interests in fossil fuels and how communities are coming together to challenge these lies and the climate-denying and delaying MPs who propagate them and to fight climate and environmentally damaging developments in their areas, including the Cumbrian coal mine, waste incinerators across the country and the new Rosebank oil field.”

XR is calling on the government to take action to end the fossil fuel era, whilst promoting green jobs. 

"The key message coming away from the event was that we will build on the connections made this weekend to grow a huge movement of people demanding right action from the government and supporting those at the front line of climate change, including workers in industries no longer fit for the future, and we will take the actions needed, locally and nationally, to create the better world that we know is possible to ensure a safe future for our children on a planet where nature can thrive," she said.