Oak Tree Animals’ Charity volunteer Ted Maltzahn has been named as one of the 500 outstanding volunteers chosen as the nation’s Coronation Champions.

Ted volunteers in the Facilities Department at Oak Tree Animals’ Charity, Carlisle and has been recognised by Their Majesties The King and The Queen Consort as part of the official Coronation celebrations in conjunction with the Royal Voluntary Service.

Ted volunteers at the charity most days helping repair fences, buildings, carry out field maintenance and even turned his Massey Ferguson into Santa’s sleigh to celebrate Christmas.

Ted impressed judges with his dedication to helping animals in need and supporting the Charity, whatever the weather or personal hardship.

With the support of Her Majesty The Queen Consort, the Coronation Champions Awards were launched to recognise exceptional volunteers from across the country at this momentous point in history.

Commenting on becoming a Coronation Champion, Ted Maltzahn said: “I enjoy spending my time volunteering at Oak Tree, especially in Equine with my love for horses.

“I also enjoy my farm and tractor duties. The staff and volunteers are amazing, caring for all the animals who all need some love. I am very honoured to have been nominated and proud to receive this award.”

All Coronation Champions, including Ted, have been invited to attend one of the official Coronation celebrations, such as the Windsor Castle Coronation Concert or a Coronation Garden Party. 

They will also receive a specially designed, official Coronation Champions pin and a certificate signed by Their Majesties.

READ MORE: Donald Messenger plants oak tree to mark King's Coronation

Caroline Johnson, General Manager at Oak Tree said: “Ted is quite simply inspirational, he gives up every spare hour to help our team here at Oak Tree.

“His dedication and passion to help the Charity is infectious and despite some personal challenges gives everything he can to help animals in need across our region.

“We are so grateful to Ted and are delighted that he has been awarded this great honour, it is truly deserved. Thank you Ted for everything you do.”

The Coronation Champions Awards invited people across the UK to nominate their local volunteering heroes who are going the extra mile. Nominations were made across eight award categories; supporting older people; supporting young people and children; crisis and welfare; community; sports, culture, and heritage; health and care; sustainability and the environment; and animal welfare.