A Cumbrian cathedral hass announced a programme of activities and services to celebrate the king’s coronation throughout May.

Carlisle Cathedral’s celebrations begin with a exhibition showcasing ‘treasures’ from their library and archive which will be on display from May 4 in the Cathedral and Fratry Hall.

The display will show historical items that aim to tell the story of Carlisle’s royal associations through history.

Many of the items have never been seen by the public, including the cathedral’s endowment charter from Henry VIII dating from 1541.

On May 6 the café and fratry will be open with a big screen livestreaming the coronation.

A 10 per cent discount on hot drinks and cakes in the café will be provided to those named Charlie if ID is provided.

The bell ringers will join the national ‘ring for the king’ between 10 and 11am.

The choral eucharist service on May 7 will ‘reflect on the king’s commitment to service for all’ in prayer, music, and preaching.

All are welcome to attend from 10:30am, and later that day, afternoon tea with live piano will be available from 1-1:30pm at the Fratry (booking required, click here). www.carlislecathedral.org.uk/cafe/

Benjamin Carter, canon warden at Carlisle Cathedral, said: “The coronation of his majesty the king is, for many of us, as once in a life time opportunity to celebrate and give thanks for the place of the royal family within our public life and to commit ourselves, as the king will in his coronation oath, to lives of service to others.

“As part of the Church of England, we will also honour the king as the supreme governor of the Church of England and so are delighted to be offering such a diverse programme of activity, events and worship through the period of the coronation.”

Carlisle Cathedral will host the service of choral evensong ‘giving thanks’ for the coronation of King Charles III on May 12 at 5:45pm.

This service has been organised in conjunction with His Majesty’s Lord Lieutenant of Cumbria, Claire Hensman.  

Guests representing the diverse life of Cumbria have been invited.

The service will also include contributions from the leaders of other Christian denominations and faith communities from across Cumbria.

There will be a limited number of tickets available for members of the general public from www.carlislecathedral.org.uk.

Claire said: “It is so fitting that the Carlisle Cathedral, which serves the whole life and people of Cumbria, will host this service of thanksgiving.

“It is a wonderful opportunity to look forward to our new king’s reign and through it commit ourselves to the principles of service and inclusion which have always been such a mark of his life.”