I WENT to my HSBC bank on English Street, Carlisle, last Friday and to my amazement found the front doors locked.

There was no notice on the main doors, just a small notice on the left hand wall, see attached photographs,​ indicating that the bank had been closed since 2pm the day before until Friday May 12!

The notice was headed SEE YOU SOON. ​If the customers who congregated while I was there carry out the promise that they were going to transfer their accounts, the improvement work which is taking place won’t be required.

I received no notice in the post or e-mail and there was no advert in The Cumberland News, which nearly everybody reads. I have heard of poor service, but I’ve never been treated in this manner – ever.

Do I now have to go to Penrith to carry out transactions that are not on the internet?

HSBC should immediately place as near as possible, a mobile bank and find an alternative office to conduct interviews for people having business to discuss and it should be done forthwith.

Harold J. Bowron
By email