CUMBRIA Police has been given permission to continue holding £20,000 in cash which was seized from a van driver on the M6.

The money was found in a van which officers stopped near Penrith as the driver, from Rotherham in South Yorkshire, was making his way south along the motorway on April 27, Carlisle’s Rickergate court heard.

Police successfully made an application under Proceeds of Crime legislation to continue holding the money for six months.

District Judge John Temperley said he was satisfied that there were reasonable grounds to suspect the money was recoverable – and potentially linked to crime.

The driver initially denied that there was any cash in his van and then offered implausible explanations, said the judge.

District Judge Temperley added: “The cash was mainly in Scottish bank notes even though he said he was going to buy something in Scotland.” Scottish notes are often used in drugs related money laundering and the M6 is a recognised route for drug trafficking offences.

The cash can be retained by Cumbria Constabulary as police continue to investigate its origins, added the judge.