A RESIDENT who lives near the Carlisle Southern Link Road development is calling for the council to provide a safe route for residents to cross the bypass on foot safely. 

Ruth Harrington said there is ‘no consideration’ in the plans for the safety of Burthwaite residents to cross at the Redcat roundabout to get Durdar, especially considering vehicles will be passing through at high speeds.

The new road will connect Junction 42 of the M6 with the A595.

The project is an 8km road that will include four new roundabouts, five cycle bridges and four road bridges and a cycle path along the northern side along its full length.

"They are not fulfilling the compassionate objective for Burthwaite children and residents, of improving road safety and creating a new safe route for non-motorised users.

“To access cycle routes, bus, or just walk to the pub, we will have to cross the bypass with no safe provision,” she said.

The Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities has confirmed it will provide £212 million for the project, with Cumberland Council paying the remainder.

Ms Harrington has raised particular concerns for Burthwaite youngsters, particularly those who will attend Caldew school.

"Caldew school pupils can’t access the cycle route as no safe crossing is provided.

"Even if they (council) provided a path on the southside from Redcat roundabout to Durdar bridge with access to the bridge on the southside, this would address the safe crossing provision,” she said.

A spokesperson from Cumberland Council said: “The Health and Wellbeing of our communities is at the heart of the Carlisle Southern Link Road project.

"All highways projects are reviewed by independent professional road safety auditors who assess the needs and safety of all road users, including non-motorised road users.

“The road safety auditors who reviewed the design of the scheme ensured that all of the changes being made to the highway network are compliant with current standards and are an improvement in road safety standards.

“Residents who live near the Carlisle Southern Link Road will benefit from a well-lit, continuous, shared use path with pedestrian crossings at every junction," they said.