A WOMAN who kicked out and spat at police was “upset” that she was being arrested.

Police were called to a domestic incident in Workington on April 21. Chloe Placzek, 27, was required to be arrested, Workington Magistrates’ Court heard.

Pamela Fee, prosecuting, said the defendant was placed under arrest for assault. She became resistant and tried to smoke a cigarette. She was “being difficult”.

Placzek was put in handcuffs and kicked out at police. She continued to resist.

While being taken out of the property, the defendant turned and spat at one of the officers, which made contact with his neck. She continued to struggle and kick out at officers.

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A statement read to the court from the police officer said: “I don’t come to work to be spat at. I would prefer to be punched in the face.”

During interview, Placzek admitted spitting at the officer and said she had no lawful excuse for doing this.

Placzek, of Senhouse Close, Workington, pleaded guilty to two charges of common assault of an emergency worker.

Claire Kirkpatrick, defending, said: “It’s a guilty plea at the first opportunity. She admitted the spit. Admitted kicking as she was being taken out of the property.

“Chloe called the police due to a domestic matter. As soon as she spat, she thought it was disgusting.

“She was upset she was the one being arrested, which led to the outburst.”

A statement from Placzek was read to the court, which said she suffered from psychosis. She had broken up with her boyfriend and was having a panic attack.

Ms Kirkpatrick said the defendant also has learning difficulties.

Placzek was fined £200 and must pay £50 in compensation to the police officer she spat at.

She was also ordered to pay £85 costs and an £80 victim surcharge.