A LUCKY 22-year-old has scooped up £100,000 in a recent online competition. 

Ciaran Hewer, from Distington, won the money in the online Northern Competitions' draw on Friday, May 19. 

Ciaran, who is soon to be a father, said he can't 'believe it'. 

"It still hasn't sunk in yet, I've hardly slept thinking about it and I was up early this morning for work... I can't believe it. 

"I'm still shaking, this is going to change our lives so much, especially with having a little baby on the way it's going to take away so much stress," he said. 

Owner of the business, Ryan Dodgson - aka The Raffle King - who has been running the business part-time for the past two years, said: "Friday night's live draw was phenomenal. We had a Rolex 5k winner, a 10k winner, an Audi A3 sports car and then the jackpot prize which Ciaran won.

"I'm absolutely delighted for him and his soon-to-be family of three. 

"Our competitions are now changing lives all over the UK but mainly in Cumbria," he said.

If you're interested in chancing your arm, visit the company's website.