A MAN with 'significant mental health issues' who shouted abuse at a female and then exposed himself to police, has been jailed.

Robbie Gregg, 25, was sat on a doorstep in Maryport on the afternoon of May 20, when he shouted at a female to 'put some clothes on' and swore at her.

Workington Magistrates’ Court heard there was a further incident that afternoon when Gregg shouted towards a female that she was a 'smack rat'.

Pamela Fee, prosecuting, said the female was 'terrified' that Gregg was going to hurt her. The female saw a woman try to stop the defendant and then saw him slap her.

The female walked away from him but he began following her down the road. The defendant’s behaviour was reported to the police.

Officers arrived and Gregg was placed in the back of a police van. He pulled his pants down and placed his bottom against the glass.

He then proceeded to carry out an indecent act in front of the police officer.

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Gregg, of Iden Street, Eastbourne, East Sussex, pleaded guilty to using threatening, abusive words or behaviour likely to cause harassment, alarm or distress, common assault and exposure.

He was subject to a suspended sentence order at the time of the offences, the court was told.

John Cooper, defending, said: “Mr Gregg knows what’s going to happen today.

“He has been diagnosed with bipolar and significant mental health issues. This morning he is completely different. Two very different people.

“He had been doing reasonably well. There are plans for him to move up here. The other offences were in Sussex.

“He’s quite upset with himself. He realises how stupid he has been.”

Magistrates jailed Gregg for four weeks due to the offences being committed shortly after a suspended sentence had been imposed.

The defendant’s previous record for violence and the fact it had been a frightening incident for the victim, were also given as reasons for the custodial sentence.