A WOMAN from Whitehaven who only recently lost her mum has just won £50,000 in an online raffle. 

Michelle Field sadly lost her mum in December.

Upon winning, she said her 'mam' had always said for her to try her luck and put competitions on.

She won the money in the online Northern Competitions' draw on May 24. 

"It feels absolutely brilliant to have won. Thanks to Northern Competitions, our beautiful mam was definitely watching from heaven above - thank you mama," she said. 

Owner of the business, Ryan Dodgson - aka The Raffle King, said: "Out of all the competitions we've done and all the prizes we've given away, this has definitely been my favourite. 

"It really pulled my heartstrings, I'm so happy for her," he said. 

If you're interested in chancing your arm, visit the company's website.