HERE'S a round-up of some of the biggest court cases to have taken place in Carlisle and West Cumbria this week.

Benefits cheat was secretly working and funding a lavish life

A man who claimed almost £30,000 in benefits for life-limiting medical conditions secretly splashed out on drugs and a lavish lifestyle that included an action-packed holiday in Florida.

Full story here. 

Carlisle link to alleged immigration conspiracy

Five people – including three from Carlisle – have appeared before a court accused of conspiring to help foreign nationals breach immigration law.

Full story here. 

Judge sentences men who ran secret £2.2m Whitehaven cannabis farm

Police raid on a building in Whitehaven town centre uncovered a huge cannabis farm crammed with a crop potentially worth £2.2m.

Full story here. 

Workington man lied about illegal attempt to contact his ex

Former Working

ton man has been jailed for making an illegal attempt to contact his former partner in breach of a court order.

Full story here. 

Man abusive to female in Maryport then exposed himself to police

A man with 'significant mental health issues' who shouted abuse at a female and then exposed himself to police jailed. 

Full story here. 

Police issue warning after Carlisle carer jailed for £75,000 theft

Police welcome the sentencing of a Carlisle carer who stole £75,000 from the elderly couple she was caring for. 

Full story here. 

Woman who ran a brothel in Carlisle for 20 months is sentenced

A woman who ran a brothel in Carlisle where at least eight women acted as sex workers spared an immediate jail sentence. 

Full story here. 

Fleeing Carlisle motorcyclist rode at 70mph on city street in 'panic'

Motorcyclist with no valid licence sped away from police on residential Carlisle streets at speeds of up to 70mph.

Full story here. 

Schoolboy began selling cocaine and cannabis when he was 15

A drug dealer from Carlisle began selling cocaine and cannabis when he was a 15-year-old schoolboy, a court heard.

Full story here.