A Carlisle bowling club has signed several new members following a recruitment day held over the course of the Bank Holiday weekend.

More than 70 people took to the green at Courtfield Bowls Club as part of the nationwide Big Bowls’ Weekend event.

Bowls has often been stereotyped as a sport for the older generation, but Courtfield has several younger members and is trying the recruit more to get into the historic game.

The open day attracted folk of all ages including children who were taught the game by trying target bowls with several groups signing up for membership at the club.

“It’s not been easy to recruit new members at times due to the misconception that its only for old people” said the assistant secretary of Courtfield Bowling Club, Steve Griffiths.

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“We’re changing and bringing young people in – not as many as we’d like but hopefully that number will grow and grow into the future.

“The social side of bowls is so important the club has such a friendly mix of people and generations.

“It’s a great community and good for your mental health with the mix of fresh air and friends so I’d encourage anybody to come down to the club and get involved.”

Anybody interested in having a try at bowls is urged to get in touch with the club.