A BRAMPTON man has been jailed after magistrates convicted him of exposing himself and sexually assaulting a woman.

Paul James Richardson, 61, who has previously served an eight-year jail sentence for rape, had denied any wrongdoing but was found guilty of both allegations after a trail that lasted for a day and a half.

At Carlisle’s Rickergate court, prosecutor George Shelley outlined the facts.

He said the victim had met the defendant in a pub socially while she was having a night out and a few days after this, the woman agreed to let Richardson take her for a motorbike ride.

“It was during that motorcycle ride that he made various sexual comments to [the woman],” said Mr Shelley. Richardson at one point showed the woman that he was sexually aroused.

But the woman made it clear that she was not interested in Richardson in a sexual way.

After he dropped the woman off at her home, the two exchanged text messages. “At that point, he invited her to his home address for a cup of tea,” said Mr Shelley.

She agreed to go, spelling out that this was on condition that he did not 'try anything on.' Despite that warning, Richardson answered the door wearing his dressing gown. Inside the property, he had pornography playing on the TV.

It was while she was inside the house that he repeatedly touched her over her clothing in a sexual way and encouraged her to touch him. He also exposed himself.

Describing the defendant’s relevant criminal history, Mr Shelley said Richardson, of Farish Close, Brampton, was convicted or rape in 2010, when he was jailed and put on the Sex Offender Register indefinitely.

Jeff Smith, defending, said the case was hard to mitigate, given that the defendant continued to deny the offences. After his release from custody, said the lawyer, Richardson had put his life back together.

He has also suffered bereavements. “Much of his time is occupied by work,” added the lawyer.

Presiding magistrate Ian Douglas said the offences were aggravated by the defendant’s past offending and his refusal to accept responsibility for what he did. That, combined with his previous rape conviction, meant rehabilitation was unlikely.

“There is no positive reason to suspend the sentence,” said the magistrate, noting that the defendant has been assessed as posing a high risk to women in certain situations.

Richardson was jailed for 26 weeks. He was also given a five-year sexual harm prevention order, which includes a condition that he cannot become "personally connected" with any female unless he gives the police her details within seven days of staring a relationship.

Magistrates also imposed a restraining order banning any contact with the victim for three years and he must not go to her address. When released, he must pay £620 costs and a £154 victim surcharge.

The sentence means Richardson will be on the Sex Offender Register for seven years, though the earlier indefinite notification period for the rape offence continues to apply.

The defendant showed no emotion as he was led away.