A SCHOOL lab technician has been handed a Certificate of Excellence in a national awards ceremony.

Jenny Bain is a lab technician at St Bees School and has worked there for 33 years, after first being enticed into her career by then headmaster Malcolm Thyme, with her contribution being celebrated by the 2023 Pearson National Teaching Awards.

At the awards ceremony, which took place on Wednesday, June 21, Jenny was the recipient of the Certificate for Excellence for the 'Unsung Hero' award.

In a social media statement, St Bees School congratulated Jenny on her achievement.

They said: "There isn't much that Jenny doesn't do at the school and we can think of no one who deserves this award more.

"Jenny first stepped foot into St Bees School 41 years ago and has been saving the day in the background ever since."

Throughout her time at St Bees School, Jenny has become an integral member of the school's staff.

Speaking in an issue of the school's publication, The Hive, and as part of British Science Week, which took place in March, she explained how she became interested in becoming a lab technician.

She said: "When I was young, I wanted to be a pharmacist, I’ve always liked the clean white coat.

"I have always enjoyed science, I had a nice biology and chemistry teacher in secondary school.

"To me, science means fun.

"Chemistry is magic and I love the extra-curricular activities."

The 'Unsung Hero' award was also a recognition of how Jenny's role at St Bees School goes beyond simply being a lab technician and she spoke about this relationship she has with the school and its pupils and how she hopes to inspire others to consider careers in science.

She said: "I enjoy interacting with both students and staff.

"They always appreciate the support I give them, especially the enthusiastic students that love science as much as I do.

"For anyone looking for a job with variety and flexibility, that is also rewarding, being a science technician is a great job.

"Being part of a great team is important as it ensures that we support and inspire our students every day."

St Bees School Headmaster, Robin Silk, presented Jenny with her award in the school’s assembly last week.

He said: "I can think of no one who deserves this award more than Jenny.

"She works tirelessly day in, day out to make sure our students only experience the best – not just in their Science lessons but also throughout their time here at St Bees.

"From all of us here at St Bees, we want to congratulate Jenny on receiving this award, what an achievement.