A Cockermouth couple who are retiring after working in the shoe trade for 45 years could not have wished for a better send off.

Andrew and Sue Marshall's business Strolling4Shoes has just won a top award.

It was named Independent Footwear Retailer of the Year at the glitzy Drapers Footwear Awards in London.

"We're absolutely delighted," said Andrew.

"We got highly commended in 2010. It's one of the biggest awards in the shoe trade, so to actually win is fantastic.

"A lovely way to finish 45 years in the shoe trade."

News and Star: Andrew, Sue and Fraser Marshall with their awardAndrew, Sue and Fraser Marshall with their award (Image: Supplied)

The couple were pleased to have been shortlisted, their win came as a big surprise.

"We hadn't gone to the ceremony, no one north of Watford ever wins, it's always London and the south east," said Andrew.


"That evening the phone went mad. We have lots of friends in the trade."

Other winners included New Look and M&S.

"The judges noted we were forward thinking, expanding and opening new businesses in difficult times," said Andrew.

The couple have been working alongside one of their four sons, Fraser, who has taken over the business and has lots of plans for the future.

The family owns shops in Penrith and Cockermouth and opened one in Richmond, North Yorkshire, earlier this year.

Fraser has plans to open another.

"Everyone said I would never retire," said Andrew.

"But I started winding down in February and it's been brilliant.

"Fraser is so in tune with the whole business. We're enjoying watching him take it over, redecorating, changing the logo, taking everything forward.

"The family business is carrying on in good hands."