A DRUG-DRIVER ran away from police because he knew he had cocaine in his system, a court heard.

Police were on patrol at 1.30am on April 22 when they saw a Vauxhall Mokka turn onto Dean Street in Workington.

Officers followed the vehicle and then found it parked up. The driver, Luke Penrice, 31, saw police and ran away, Workington Magistrates’ Court was told.

Pamela Fee, prosecuting, said Penrice was located a short distance away. He admitted to being the driver and having taken cocaine.

A drugs sample gave a positive indication for cocaine. A blood sample showed Penrice had 66mcg of cocaine per litre of blood. The limit is 10mcg.

During police interview, Penrice admitted he was driving the vehicle and ran away. He said he knew cocaine would be in his system.

Penrice, of Hunters Drive, Seaton, Workington, pleaded guilty to a charge of driving a motor vehicle with a proportion of a specified controlled drug above the specified limit.

The defendant, who was not legally represented, said: “There’s nothing I can say really, except I have done it.”

Magistrates banned Penrice from driving for 12 months. He was fined £120 and must pay £85 costs and a £48 victim surcharge.