A MAN grabbed and punched a Carlisle taxi driver after being arrested and bailed several weeks earlier for spitting in the faces of two police officers.

PCs were initially called to a city centre bail hostel just before midnight on May 25 in response to reports that Elijah Ali, 33, was drunk and being confrontational.

Ali was residing there after being released from a 21-week prison sentence. This had been imposed for breaching a restraining order by unlawfully straying on to a city road where his ex-partner lived.

“There was concern that the defendant had taken an excess of diazepam,” prosecutor Steven Ball told Carlisle Crown Court.

There were traces of a blue substance around his mouth and 18 tablets were missing from a blister pack in his possession.

“The defendant was extremely aggressive with the officers,” said Mr Ball. “Resisting them, lashing out, threatening to knock him out and bite them.”

Ali spat directly into the face of one male PC. “His first opportunity to wash his face was not until the defendant had been conveyed to hospital with officers,” said the prosecutor.

By that time Ali had been restrained and placed in a spit hood to prevent a repeat. But when this was removed at hospital, he spat at a female PC who washed her face in a nearby room.

Hospital staff refused to treat Ali due to his aggressive behaviour. But when he was taken to a police station, a police sergeant refused to book him in and he was returned to hospital.

“All in all it was thought the whole incident took up one hour and 45 minutes of police time,” said Mr Ball.

He summarised an impact statement provided by the male officer, saying: “All he was trying to do was to get he defendant to hospital. He would rather be physically assaulted than spat in the face, which he considered to be dirty and possibly contagious.”

Having been bailed, Ali got into more trouble on June 27 as he got into a taxi at Carlisle’s Court Square. Ali appeared intoxicated, causing the taxi driver concern. “He (Ali) grabbed him around the throat and punched him in the stomach,” said Mr Ball.

As police were called, Ali, of no fixed address, tried to bite one officer.

He admitted four separate assaults and was sentenced at the crown court. Defence solicitor Mark Shepherd suggested Ali’s behaviour masked more serious issues he was trying to deal with.

“What he requires is some intensive support,” said Mr Shepherd. “He understands why he is here. He understands it is his fault.”

Recorder Kate Bex KC jailed Ali for a total of five months and called his conduct on the first date — captured on police body-cam — 'utterly shameful'.