The town council is looking into the cost of a replacing an ageing roundabout in Memorial Gardens play area with a more disability friendly piece of equipment.

They discussed the issue at a recent meeting in Cockermouth Town Hall. They also considered whether or not to strim the edge of the Memorial Gardens between Gote Bridge and Millers Bridge.

It was resolved that due to the cost of repair, the older roundabout in the Memorial Gardens be replaced with a more disability friendly piece of equipment. The clerk will investigate cost.

Councillors also agreed the edge of the gardens between Gote Bridge and Millers Bridge be strimmed.

At the same meeting, Cllr Watson informed colleagues that the two EV charging points in Wakefield Road Car Park were being installed by Charge My Street. They were also looking at the feasibility and cost of installing more in Fairfield and Bitterbeck Car Parks.

He also told fellow councillors he had met the Cumberland Council parks manager to discuss the removal of barriers along the Greenway to facilitate access for all users. He had promised to review the matter and remove those he felt could be removed safely, the meeting heard.

Cllr Chris Bridgman reported that a new Cockermouth Sustainability Group was to be launched in September. Those present discussed inviting members of the group to a future meeting of the town council once they were up and running.