CARLISLE care services Twilight Years has decided to organise elderly meet-ups in order to bring their clients together post-pandemic.

Carers at Twilight Years, Janice Asbridge , Marie Thorburn and Olivia Thorburn took John Elliot and Noelyne Cape to Bobbin Cafe in Carlisle where they enjoyed hot drinks and scones.

Janice Asbridge, care co-ordinator said: “A lot of my clients are not getting out and about, especially after the pandemic.

"I thought it would be nice to get them out and have a cuppa, it was basically to get them back into society."

Both John and Noelyne thoroughly enjoyed their day trips. Janice said that Noelyne particularly had not been out in awhile.

She said: "She was quite reluctant at first because she had not been out in so long, but I persisted, and she said she had a great time. She even said I was worth my weight in gold!"

Janice said: "I often hear from people that age that they haven’t got anything to get out of bed for and I thought it is time to make a difference."

Janice hopes to take her idea further and create a social group, and community centre where clients can play games and enjoy buffets. She said: "I want to make each day worth their while.

"I am so proud to be a part of this team, we are small in Carlisle but I hope and I want to make it big."