A man has been jailed after biting police officers, attempting to resist arrest.

The assault took place in Alston on November 10, 2022, where police officers were responding to a report of a disturbance at a premises there.

Mustafa Osman, 27, of no fixed address, was arrested for criminal damage when the police arrived.

He then attempted to resist arrest and flee, and in the process of restraining him, he violently resisted and bit an officer on her upper arm.

A second officer was able to intervene and assist in getting Osman to release his bite, but Osman then turned his attention to the second officer, biting him hard on the finger.

Mustafa Osman, 27, of no fixed address, was sentenced to four and a half years in prison for two attempts to cause grievous bodily harm with intent.

On 10 November 2022, officers were responding to a report of a disturbance at a premises in Alston.

Upon arriving at the scene officers arrested Osman for criminal damage.

He then attempted to resist arrest and flee.

In the process of restraining him, he violently resisted and bit an officer on her upper arm.

A second officer was able to intervene and assist in getting Osman to release his bite, however Osman then turned his attention to the second officer, biting him hard on the finger.

Despite being asked to release and being tasered, Osman refused to release his bite for several minutes.

Both officers were left with bruising and injuries as a result of the assault.

At Carlisle Crown Court on August 17, Osman was sentenced to four and a half years in prison for two attempts to cause grievous bodily harm with intent.

Detective superintendent Jenny Beattie said: “Today’s sentencing sends out a clear message that assaults against emergency workers are not tolerated, anyone who assaults a member of the emergency services will be robustly dealt with and may end with a prison sentence.  

"These two officers were simply doing their job and responding to an incident when they were viciously attacked. 

"No one should go out to work and expect to go home with serious injuries as a result of doing their job.  

"Every time we go to work, we do so with the core intention of helping people and keeping them safe. 

"The officers involved have both acted with dignity and continued to provide a service to the public despite their ordeal and have shown bravery in terms of their actions that night and also during the court process.”