An army veteran with serious health conditions is doing one of the ultimate endurance challenge.

Major Sip Powers, a former army officer who served in Iraq and Afghanistan, is coming towards the end of an incredible feat of physical and mental strength: the sip enduro 214 challenge.

The challenge involves climbing all 214 Wainwrights in a self-supported round.

Sip will cover over 370 miles and ascend 36,000 metres, equivalent to four Mount Everest from sea level climbs, carrying full expedition gear and remaining in the hills for the entire duration.

He aims to complete the challenge in one month, and is due to complete the challenge on August 26, 2023 at the Moot Hall in Keswick, where he started a month ago.

What makes this challenge even more remarkable is that Sip has multiple serious health conditions that would deter most people from attempting such a feat.

He has type one diabetes, a stoma and autoimmune syndrome, and has undergone major surgery on his intestinal tract to eliminate inflammatory bowel disease and prevent the possible spread of rectal cancer.

He also suffers from post-traumatic stress disorder after witnessing the horrors of war.

Sip is not doing this challenge for himself, but for a cause close to his heart called Combat Stress, a UK charity for veterans’ mental health.

Sip has been supported by Combat Stress since 2017, when he was diagnosed with PTSD.

He credits the charity with saving his life and helping him cope with his trauma.

Sip hopes to raise £214k for Combat Stress, as well as inspire other veterans and people with health issues to overcome their challenges and pursue their dreams.

He said: “I want to show people that anything is possible if you put your mind to it. I have faced many obstacles in my life, but I have never given up.

“I want to use my experience and skills to help others who are struggling with their mental health. Combat Stress has been a lifeline for me and many other veterans, and I want to give something back to them.”

To follow Sip’s progress and donate to his challenge, visit