CARLISLE Cathedral is set to host a 'popular' harvest market that will feature local food and crafts.

The Carlisle Farmers Harvest Market will be held on Saturday, September 2 and in keeping with the harvest theme will include a number of stalls that demonstrate how produce is created.

Local businesses will also be in attendance with Nook Farm, Warwick Bridge Corn Mill, and Just Messin set to feature.

Event organiser Emma Armstrong said: "Expect lots of bee talk from Nook Farm and how the mill works and information about tours from Warwick Bridge.

"We also have Cumbria Wildlife Trust to tell us about farming with wildlife and RABI who support our hard-working farmers through difficult times.

"The star of the show last year was the Ryeland sheep, and again this year you can come and say hello and talk about sheep, wool, and farming.

"The market will have its usual selection of meat, bread, honey, cakes, and even some gin."