A walker tragically died at Scafell Pike this week following a medical emergency. 

Emergency services were called out but the walker's condition worsened and they were not able to save them.

A spokesperson from Wasdale Mountain Rescue said: "We were called by both North West Ambulance Service and Cumbria Police about a walker with symptoms of a medical emergency.

"An immediate callout was made and also requests for air support due to the position of the casualty high up on Scafell Pike. Rapid mobilisation to the scene from Coastguard Rescue 199, Helimed 08 and Helimed 63 occurred.

"However, the condition of the walker worsened whilst help was en-route, and despite all attempts by passing walkers and the helicopter crews in attendance he tragically did not survive.

"Our thanks go to all agencies involved, and especially to the passing walkers. Our thoughts are with the walker’s family and friends, and all involved at this sad time."