WITHIN the Distington Walled Garden, a new café will open its doors on Tuesday September. 19

The café, scheduled for an official 11am opening, will welcome its first patrons from 12pm.

The setting of the new cafe is within the restored Victorian garden, which over the past two years, has been revived by staff from Copeland Borough Council, now Cumberland Council's Parks, Open Spaces/Bereavement Service team, Community Payback and volunteers.

All gardening practices have avoided pesticides, peat and chemicals and local suppliers and trades people have been utilised wherever possible. Through artisan fates and their volunteering Saturdays, held on the first Saturday of every month between 10am and 12pm, the garden and the opening of the new café has grown interest and support from residents. 

Councillor Anne Quilter, Cumberland Council’s Executive Member for Vibrant and Healthy Places, said: “The café is set to be another welcome addition to Distington Walled Garden. I encourage visitors to pop along and experience the beautiful café and tranquil surrounding. It will be a space for people to use as a place of reflection for loved ones, allowing people to reflect and relax.”

Distington Walled Garden, owned by Cumberland Council, was once part of Distington Mansion and now features a lavender maze, yoga lawn, sizeable greenhouses and peaceful seating areas.

Operating from Tuesday to Friday, between 10am and 3pm, the café menu includes homemade goodies such as scones, sandwiches, paninis, baked potatoes, quiche and a selection of cakes.

Visitors can look forward to the new cafe, from September 19, with doors opening from 12pm on the launch day.