A fundraising gig is planned as part of a final fundraising push to get a Cumbria student to his dream course in Canada.

Mati (Mathew) Dalton is set to attend the prestigious Vancouver Film School after a number of fundraising efforts have got him close to his target.

Friends and family have helped Mati achieve his dream of attending the industry led film school to study animation art after Mati’s dad, Si Dalton, sadly died in April of this year after a long illness.

On Sunday, October 8 between 3pm and 7pm at Low Hesket Village Hall, musical friends and family of Mati will be hosting a fundraising gig to help Mati attend the prestigious Vancouver Film School.

One of the main organisers of the gig, entitled ‘Mati’s musical mash up’, Martin Jervis, said: “Playing at Mati’s Musical Mash Up is going to be an emotional rollercoaster for me.

“Playing with Roisin Dubh is going to stir up some powerful memories.

"This is our first performance since the loss of band member Si Dalton.

“He told us that he definitely wanted us to carry on and as he said to me shortly before he passed that his wish was that Mati got to go to the film school in Canada, so playing this gig was a no brainer for us in order to raise some funds to help this happen.

“I also play with Blue Scarrow which I find brilliant and exciting because I get to play the type of music that I grew up loving and they are a cracking set of very talented lads.”

The Sunday afternoon of music will also include a bar, food including tacos and curry as well as some great raffle prizes that have been donated.

‘Mati’s Musical Mash Up’ has a line up of three local musical acts including Eoin Kelly, Roisin Dubh and Blue Scarrow.

Mati has now bought his flight tickets and paid some of his fees in advance for his course before he flies out to Vancouver on October 16.

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“It has been an extremely emotional year for me and my family, and I am so grateful for everyone who has been helping out to raise the funds I need to attend the film school in Vancouver,” said Mati

“People have been so incredibly generous with their time, talent and money to give me this great opportunity.”

Tickets for the gig are now on sale online or by calling 07818040066.