A PLANNING application has been put forward for 42 bungalows in a village east of Carlisle.

The proposal submitted by Citadel Homes Ltd seeks planning approval for the build in Little Corby.

Plans were submitted to Cumberland Council on September 15.

The application site, which covers an area of 2.57 hectares, is located to the north of Hurley Road and northeast of Little Corby Road.

Back in September 2021, outline planning permission was given for 45 two-storey developments on the site.

Included in these plans however are 21 two-bedroom bungalows and 21 three-bedroom bungalows, which come with 113 on-site parking spaces.

Of the two-bedroom bungalows, 12 are to be ‘affordable housing’.

The planning statement reads: “The siting and design of the affordable units is based on the ‘Almshouse’ concept of providing good quality accommodation for people in need.

“Affordable housing is typically an inconvenience for developers who want to position them in the less desirable parts of a site, with reduced emphasis on the quality of the design and internal finishes.

“Citadel Homes want to redress that trend and have placed the units ‘centre stage’ in a prime courtyard location adjacent to two areas of public open space,” it reads.

The plans hope that the provision of the bungalows, meeting an older demographic's specific housing requirements, could potentially free up larger family properties as residents downsize – addressing the city’s older demographic housing requirements.

Concerning the impact on neighbouring properties, it is proposed that the single-storey dwellings would be well-received due to their minimal impact compared to two-storey structures.

Three separate areas of public open space are included in the proposal, providing a combined area of 809 square metres of localised play space.

An early 18th Century Grade II listed building, Little Corby Hall, is situated nearby to the site. 

To view the planning application, use planning reference 23/0655 on Cumberland Council’s planning website.