TWO boys aged 14 robbed one teenager just days after ordering another to bark like a dog while a knife was pointed at him on a Carlisle street in broad daylight.

Shocking details of the pair’s crimes were revealed as a prosecutor opposed bail in the case of both young defendants amid police concern about a significant escalation of their conduct and risk of harm to the public.

Carlisle Magistrates’ Court heard the first incident occurred at the junction of London Road and a side street on August 11.

“At around 4pm the defendants have approached (a teenager), asking him for a vape,” said prosecutor George Shelley. “They have then produced a kitchen knife, pointed it at him, told him to get on the floor and bark like a dog. He has refused and walked away.

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“That was witnessed by four of his friends. CCTV captured the defendants walking in the area with appropriate clothing.”

Eleven days later, the pair robbed a different teenager of money in the area of Castle Way. “The defendants follow and approach (him), one of the witnesses to the August 11 incident,” said Mr Shelley. “They stop him, asking him if he has a problem or wants one. They ask him what money he has and take 71 pence from him.”

The teen’s bag was also searched. One of the young robbers was seen to have something sticking out of his trousers. “The victim feared it was a knife,” said the prosecutor.

Nothing was produced and the culprits — neither of whom can be identified because of their ages — fled. “CCTV captured them in the area,” added Mr Shelley.

In court today (mon), both boys admitted a charge of robbery in relation to the second incident; and, following the first, illegal public possession of a knife and threatening another with a blade, causing that victim to fear there was an immediate risk of harm to him.

Mr Shelley made an application for the boys to be remanded to secure accommodation. He outlined other crimes and an alleged offence involving the pair.

Mr Shelley outlined worries about the pair offering violence and possessing knives amid a “rapid escalation” of illegal activity.

“There is a real concern around the significant risk of harm to the public. Police have concerns in that regard, as do the Crown (Prosecution Service,” said Mr Shelley.

Magistrates ordered that the pair should be detained in secure accommodation until 13th October, when they will next appear at Carlisle Youth Court.

*The court heard one of the boys is awaiting sentence for a separate offence of illegal knife possession earlier this month; and has been previously punished for unlawful possession of a blade.