HERE's a round-up of some of the biggest court cases to have taken place in Carlisle and West Cumbria this week. 


Former Carlisle man jailed over sexual abuse he committed in his teens

A CARLISLE man who sexually abused a schoolgirl more than 40 years ago when he was a teenager has finally faced justice – after he returned to the UK from his home in Russia.

During the abuse, Andrew Blenkinsopp, now 58, bullied his victim and threatened her, enforcing her silence by telling her she would not be believed if she spoke of what happened.


M6 driver 'had no knowledge' of £51,000 in his car

A motorist caught transporting £51,000 along the M6 near Penrith told police the money was not his – and suggested somebody who attended a party at his home may have put the money into his car.

But the cash was mostly Scottish bank notes – and the party the man referred to happened in Bradford.


Seascale hardware store's 'DIY investigation' caught worker stealing

A SEASCALE woman was caught stealing from the local DIY store where she worked after her bosses hired a mystery shopper to catch her out.

When 36-year-old Kirsty Brierley was suspended because money spent by the fake customer who visited the Pelleymounters hardware store was missing, she claimed she kept the £180 involved to check whether the notes were counterfeit.


Suicidal Brampton driver crashed into lamppost while over the limit

A DRINK driver who crashed into a lamppost in Brampton was attempting to take his own life, magistrates heard.

The defence lawyer representing Ryan Adam Elliott, 36, said the crash at Front Street, Brampton, was the result of a suicide attempt made while the defendant was depressed.


Penrith furniture restorer told Workington's MP: 'I hope you all die'

A DRUNK furniture restorer who gives talks to community groups about his work left threatening voicemail messages for Workington MP Mark Jenkinson.

Andrew Blundell, 54, left the messages – including one referring to axes which was regarded as a death threat – because he was annoyed that a Conservative Party leaflet was pushed through his letter box, magistrates heard.