TIME is an essential element of the Chapman ethos: from the hours it takes to craft each bag by hand to the length of time it will last.

That’s why when Cedric Stonex bought the business in 2019 he decided an hourglass was the perfect logo to take the Carlisle-based firm into its fifth decade. 

Tucked away at Harraby Green, the business trades on its traditional crafting skills to create weekend bags, luggage, handbags and briefcases. Every step, from design to leather cutting, sewing to personalisation, is done by his team in Carlisle.

“What sets us apart from everyone else is the time people take to learn the job,” Cedric said. 

Since he bought the business it has doubled in size - both in turnover and employees. This year he is projecting a £1.4m turnover.

He is also renting additional buildings on the site to accommodate the 35-strong team who make 10,000 bags a year. He has invested tens of thousands of pounds buying new machinery and replacing ten existing sewing machines.

Cedric, 33, had been working for Chapman when the opportunity came up to buy it. “I always thought this business had fantastic potential and all the people are great,” he said.

But months after buying the business Covid hit and the lockdowns began. “Our main sector is travel and people weren’t going into the office and they weren’t travelling so it was a bit tricky. We saw some sales but it did drop off,” he said.

Cedric and the team kept busy by converting the workshop to make PPE and delivered 3,000 sets of scrubs for NHS workers at cost. He said: “I am very proud that during Covid we didn’t lose a single member of staff.” They also developed the Chapman Weekender bag which is now their bestseller. 

“The quality of the Chapman bags has always been excellent. The challenge for me has been to increase the efficiency without reducing the quality. We make high quality bags that last 25 to 30 years if not longer," said Cedric.

Next year they plan to celebrate the company’s 40th anniversary, including launching a couple of new bags and increasing brand awareness.

Cedric said: “We want to grow the Chapman name and make it more recognisable. We want people to think of Chapman when they think of bags.”