A FORMER Carlisle man has been handed an interim “sexual harm harm” order which imposes sweeping restrictions on his behaviour.

Barrie Patrick O’Keefe, 47, who was not at the city’s Rickergate court when Cumbria Police applied for the order, was represented in court by defence lawyer Tariq Khawam.

There will be a nearing next month to determine if the order is fully approved.

In the meantime, District Judge John Temperley approved an interim order that will last for 105 days. Its restrictions include prohibitions on:

  • Having contact with any lone male - unless he informs that person of the order and the prohibitions it contains and unless such contact is inadvertent.
  • Having any unsupervised contact or communication with any child aged under 18, unless inadvertent and with the consent of the child’s parent or guardian, provided they are aware of the order and its prohibitions.
  • Using any computer or other device capable of accessing the internet unless it has been installed with high-risk monitoring software.
  • Using any software that is capable of preventing the retention of internet history or using any “cloud” or similar storage, or installing encryption or wiping software.

O’Keefe must also notify the Police Offender Management Unit of all his pre-existing social media profiles within three days.

The interim order will cease at 6pm on March 3, 2024, or when the status of the application is determined by a court.

The order warns that any breach of these conditions can lead to arrest and a possible jail term.

The defendant’s current address was given in court as HMP Kilmarnock.

Sexual risk harm orders are imposed when courts conclude that there are reasonable grounds to believe they are necessary to protect the public from harm.