Storm Ciaran is expected to hit the UK this week. 

Kevin Pratt, home insurance expert at Forbes Advisor said: "Don’t be tempted to clamber onto the roof looking for loose tiles or aerials, or to inspect and clear your gutters - this is work for professionals.

"Lock gates and secure loose panels where you can. See if you can safely remove damaged branches vulnerable to windy weather. 

"You should also move your rubbish and recycling bins out of the wind path if possible, or make sure they are full and heavy enough not to be blown over.

"If you routinely have a bathroom window open, for example, close it when the storm arrives to prevent it from flying open and being damaged.

"Your pets probably won’t want to venture out into the storm, so exercise them in advance if possible.

"It’s worth having a torch, candles, and matches, and a fully-charged phone to hand in case there’s any interruption to your power supply."