VIDEO evidence which was recorded by the parents of murdered baby Dallas Kelly was a key area of evidence proving that the child was neglected.

After Dallas’s father Reece Kelly, 31, was convicted of murdering the four-month-old, police have spoken of the evidence they found that showed both he and the mother Georgia Wright, 23, acted in a way that was “cruel and neglectful”.

Wright was cleared of “causing or allowing” her son’s death.

But the jury decided that both she and Kelly were guilty of child neglect, with the allegation covering their failure to take their son to medical appointments, leaving him alone and distressed in his cot for lengthy periods.

They also exposed their son to illicit drugs they were using in the home - the result of their addiction to street-bought opiate medications.

The baby’s parents had prioritised their own drug taking over caring for their son, the court heard. They also failed to take Dallas for treatment after he suffered an earlier rib fracture and brain bleed, though Wright said she had no idea he was injured or that Kelly would hurt their son. 

The evidence seen by the jury included video clips – some lasting for around an hour – showing Dallas in his cot late at night, crying for attention as a TV blared loudly in the background.

Despite his obvious distress, neither parent went to comfort him.

It was suggested Dallas’s parents were distracted by their drug taking.

Despite that evidence against them, both Kelly and Wright denied ever acting in a cruel or neglectful way towards Dallas. Kelly did eventually admit “shaking” his son but denied doing so violently.

After the verdicts, Detective Superintendent Jenny Beattie, who led the investigation into Dallas’ death, said: “Both Reece Kelly and Georgia Wright denied their involvement throughout a lengthy and thorough criminal investigation into the death of their son.  

“It took until the first day of the trial for Reece Kelly to admit manslaughter; however, the evidence collated underlined he used significant force in shaking Dallas."

She thanked the jury for examining the "distressing evidence" in the case.  News and Star:

The officer continued: “I'd also like to thank our colleagues within the Crown Prosecution Service and prosecuting counsel Mr Richard Littler KC and Mr Tim Evans for the manner in which the case has been prepared and delivered at trial.  

“As a parent you have no greater responsibility than to your child. Reece Kelly and Georgia Wright did not provide the care that a young child requires.  

“They regularly left Dallas unsupervised whilst they took drugs. They failed to take him to medical appointments and are still to take full responsibility for their actions.

“Lastly, I must thank the dedicated team of officers and staff from Cumbria Constabulary who worked on this investigation. The impact this has had on everyone involved in this case is significant, yet we have diligently worked to establish the facts.

“From the outset, the objective of our investigation was to robustly and sensitively establish what happened to Dallas.

"No verdict or sentence will bring Dallas back; however, we now know that the person responsible for his death has been brought to justice.”

Remanded in custody, Kelly is facing a mandatory life sentence, likely to feature a minimum term measured in double figures. Wright was granted bail but was warned that she too is facing a possible jail term.