The Green Party candidate for Carlisle has said that calls for a ceasefire in Gaza is ‘absolutely justified’ following the conflict that has unfolded since Hamas’ attack on Israel in October 7.

The co-leaders of the Green Party have written to the UK government and the official opposition urging them to "listen to the people” and join international calls for a ceasefire in the Israel-Gaza conflict.

In a letter to both the Foreign Secretary, James Cleverly, and his Labour counterpart, Shadow Foreign Secretary David Lammy, Green co-leaders Carla Denyer and Adrian Ramsay, deputy leader Zack Polanski and Global Solidarity spokesperson Carne Ross set out how the only way to protect civilians is for the fighting to stop.

Gavin Hawkton, Green Party parliamentary candidate for Carlisle, has added his voice towards calls for a ceasefire in Gaza.

“One child is killed every ten minutes in Gaza, this is clearly intolerable and needs to end. Calls for a ceasefire is absolutely justified,” said Gavin.

“Three quarters of the British public back a ceasefire, unfortunately they continue to be let down, ignored, and are largely unrepresented by the political establishment in this country.

“It’s increasingly clear to me that the vast majority of our politicians and political parties no longer speak on behalf of or in any way represent the public.

“This is not an issue to be ignored. Respect for human rights and the rule of law are fundamental principles that our country must uphold and safeguard. At times like these, silence is complicity.

“While I unequivocally condemn the attacks by Hamas, it is essential to recognise that violence will not prevent further violence.

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“The Green Party is calling on the Conservatives and Labour to throw their weight behind an ‘internationally arbitrated once-and-for-all settlement’ so that ‘Israeli and Palestinian citizens can live in safety and security with their rights, at last, fully protected’.”

Figures on the left of British politics have called for an immediate ceasefire in the region with Labour leader, Sir Keir Starmer, under pressure from his own MPs to back a ceasefire.

Two Cumberland Councillors, Cllr Joseph Ghayouba and Cllr Graham Minshaw have joined more than 300 Labour councillors in signing a letter calling for the party to back an immediate ceasefire in the region after more than 10,000 people have now died in Gaza.