For today's Nostalgia edition we will be taking a look at what the Egremont Crab Fair was like in the 1980s.

The Crab Fair is one of the oldest of its kind, dating back to the 1200s, it has been a firm favourite for the people of Egremont for centuries.

Today, the fair is just as popular as it ever was with crowds gathering around the town to enjoy the attractions that are on offer across the weekend.

History states that the lord of Egremont started a tradition of giving away crab apples, which is where the name came from.

The tradition continues to this day with the Parade of the Apple Cart, where apples are thrown to crowds who line along the main street.

The fair starts with various sporting events with Cumberland wrestling often featuring on the day's agenda.

Other events include the World Gurning Championship where contestants pull ugly faces through a horse collar.

There is also a pipe smoking event and people singing hunting songs.

During medieval times after harvesting usually ended in September, serfs to the Manor of Egremont would gather wild fruits, corn, vegetables and animals, they would then pay their dues to the lord of the manor.

Due to the congregation of serfs it was decided that a celebration would take place for the end of the harvest, with a range of sporting events and other activities taking place.

In more recent times the fun is still continuing and these photos show what the Crab Fair was like in the 1980s. We hope that you enjoy this trip back down memory lane with us.