The Green Party candidate for Carlisle has criticised Labour over saying that the party would ‘continue with austerity’ if they are elected.

Labour’s candidate for Carlisle, Julie Minns and the party’s candidate for the PFCC, Dave Allen said that Conservative cuts were a reason for rising antisocial behaviour in the city.

At least one business had a firework thrown into the main area of their shop, while other shops were forced to close their doors to keep staff and customers safe.

A 16-year-old was arrested on Saturday but has now been released and is still under investigation.

"Whatever claims the Conservatives might make about recruiting more police now, the fact is that a decade-long policy of reducing police numbers has slowly eroded community security,” said Dave.

“Too often people fear that when things go wrong, no one will come, and nothing will be done. Victims are let down and criminals are let off.

“Labour will rebuild neighbourhood policing and recruit more police officers and PCSOs that are embedded in communities."

But the Green candidate, Gavin Hawkton, criticised Labour and said that they would ‘continue to exacerbate’ anti-social behaviour in the city.

"The Labour candidates recognise that austerity is a key reason why anti-social behaviour is on the rise,” said Gavin.

“Yet, what they haven't told you is that Labour plans to continue with austerity if elected. By this logic, Labour would actually continue to exacerbate the problem.

"The rise of anti-social behaviour in Carlisle is a stark reminder of the need for change. Tired clichés and platitudes won't solve anything if we continue to see cuts to key services, regardless of who is elected.

"More of the same is a recipe for disaster.

"Genuine opposition should instead be talking about investing in our communities through a more modern and progressive tax system.

“As a country we need to shift the focus from cuts to investment, from austerity to sustainability, and from rhetoric to real, meaningful change."

Inspector Andy Leather from the Carlisle Neighbourhood Policing Team said “Over the weekend we seen several incidents of anti-social behaviour, some of these included the use of bangers and fireworks aimed at members of the public.

“The incidents we had seen over the weekend will not be tolerated and those dispersed last night and on Saturday will be receiving a home visit from the neighbourhood policing team.

The countdown has begun for the next general election which must be taken or announced before January 2025.