THE MP for Penrith and the Border has written an article in the Daily Express about the XL bully dogs ban.

In the article he calls the dogs ‘uniquely dangerous’ but said he cannot support a mass cull, instead calling for nuance.

The government recently announced that the American Bully XL dog breed would be banned by the end of this year and national charity, the Dogs Trust announced that it will no longer rehome the breed following a number of fatal attacks in the country.

“Clearly, we need a ban,” said Dr Hudson.

“Now as a veterinary surgeon I cannot support the calls in some quarters calling for a mass cull.

“Work is already being undertaken on responsible breeding, responsible ownership, better training, and socialising of dogs and while this is an effective long-term solution, change does not come overnight but this ban by no means represents an end to all debate.”

It will become illegal to own an XL Bully from February 1, 2024, unless it is included on a list of exempted dogs.