IN response to the imminent transfer of 'over 200' asylum seekers and refugees from hotels across Carlisle, a support group is urgently seeking donations of large suitcases and hold-alls.

Carlisle's Refugee Action Group has made the appeal following the decision that will see men, women, and children relocate from the city, with just two pieces of luggage permitted each.

The development arises as the UK government has officially decided to relocate asylum seekers from over 50 hotels across the country, opting to transfer them to military bases or vessels.

The Milton Hilltop Hotel on London Road, which houses male asylum seekers, will close as accommodation for asylum seekers sometime between January and Spring. 

Similarly, women and children living in the Cumbria Park Hotel on Scotland Road will be moved from the hotel, or have their applications processed completely, by the end of January 2024.

A spokesperson from Carlisle Refugee Action Group (CRAG) said on social media: "We are in urgent need of large suitcases and hold-alls please.

"Over 200 Asylum seekers and refugees will be moving in the coming weeks and are only allowed to take two pieces of luggage. 

"If anyone has a spare suitcase or hold-all (larger the better) please consider donating it." 

Donations can be left in the loading bay of Carlisle Enterprise Centre, James St, CA2 5BB or organise collection by emailing