Whitehaven's Salvation Army is rallying for new toys to support struggling families this Christmas.

Last Christmas, the Salvation Army assisted over 50 children and anticipates a higher demand this year.

Salvation Army church leader Major Steven Watson said: “Helping a parent provide a gift for their child is more than just financial support, it brings the joy of Christmas into their home.

"We have seen the devastating effect of the cost of living crisis. People are really struggling and so we are doing what we can to relieve the pressure this Christmas.

“The Salvation Army’s present appeal is an opportunity for people in our communities to embrace the spirit of Christmas and give to families and individuals who have nothing.

"We have been humbled by the public’s generosity over the years and hope this year our appeal will be able to bring some comfort and joy to people who are struggling the most.”

The church will be collecting new, unwrapped toys until December 20.

Donations can be made at the Catherine Street church and community centre Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 10am to 1pm, or by call 01946 690649 to arrange an alternative time.

Gifts can be anything from baby clothes to gift vouchers for older children.