Dumfriesshire MP, David Mundell has welcomed ongoing major investment and construction work at the Longtown Ministry of Defence (MoD) depot.

It follows official confirmation this week by the UK Government of details of the project which has been visible from areas surrounding the high-security base for several months.

Mr Mundell said: “Situated only a short distance over the border from Gretna, in Cumbria, the Longtown defence site remains a valued employer in the Gretna, Eastriggs and Annan areas of my constituency.

“The £86 million investment is, at very least, a vote of confidence in the Longtown depot after several decades of declining job numbers and reduction in the breadth of tasks being carried out there, together with the rundown of its now largely mothballed sprawling sister MoD site at Eastriggs.

"“The fact that the MoD say 450 jobs across both northern England and Scotland will be supported through this Longtown modernisation project again underlines the importance of remaining part of the United Kingdom.”