Public places that cause concern for women and girls in Cumbria are receiving renewed focus from police.

This comes as officers continue to prioritise safety through patrols, partnership working and other preventative measures.

Officers have listened to the views of those who took part in an online survey on the issue of violence against women and girls – and their concerns are at the centre of efforts to deter offences.

Earlier this year Cumbria Constabulary ran the Call It Out survey online.

This was so the force could hear more from women and girls on how they felt about their own personal safety.

It sought opinion on topics including how women and girls felt in their own homes, neighbourhoods and towns. It included questions about personal experiences.

More than 2,480 people took part.

The data has since been analysed and it is now being used to better inform police services and work with partners.

Detective inspector Matt Belshaw is the constabulary’s dedicated operational detective inspector overseeing work on this issue.

He said: “Violence against women and girls is unacceptable and everyone should be safe and feel safe, no matter where they are.

“We’re grateful to every one of the thousands of people who took part in our survey and all their views contributed to help us build a better picture of this issue."

In one example of this type of partnership, work is being carried out to make people feel safer at The Line in Workington – part of the Coast-to-Coast route.

Work will be carried out to improve lighting at Hammond's Pond in Carlisle to improve feelings of safety and deter crime and anti-social behaviour.

DI Belshaw added all neighbourhood policing team leaders are held accountable to tackle the issues raised in the Call It Out campaign.

They are obliged to update the work they have been given at meetings attended by all operational leaders.

DI Belshaw said: “This survey has been vital in confirming we are responding in the right areas and that we are aware of the places and issues that cause concern.

“Where there has been an area highlighted that differs from where we currently focus, we are responding accordingly thanks to the Call It Out data."