Caldew School’s Year 11s are about to swap their desks for a taste of life in business.

Next week, they'll be engaging with business leaders from across the county in a 'Work Ready' programme.

Scheduled for Wednesday, November 22, it's aimed at teaching students the invaluable skills employers look for aside from academic achievements.

The scheme is supported by local businesses who have over the years, developed links with the educational institution.

Cheryl Eastburn, Careers Lead at Caldew School said: “Local businesses recognise the need to support schools, with many businesses forging links with Caldew school to support us in developing a diverse workforce, giving students the guidance and employability skills, that businesses require for the ever-changing needs of today’s economy.”

Built on a foundation of mutual cooperation and support between the school and the local business community, the 'Work Ready' programme has, over the years, become a fixture in the educational calendar.

A number of these supportive firms are headed by former Caldew students.

The engaging programme has students participating in rotating workshops in the morning.

They will look at everything from filling out application forms and crafting the perfect CV, to tips on landing their dream job.

They will also be updated on the latest labour market information and participate in team-building activities.

The school noted its gratitude for the support from Carlisle College, The Newcastle United Foundation, Cumbria LEP, Realise HR and Hello Future.

In the afternoon session, each student will have a personalised interview with an employer.

This will provide valuable practical experience and an insight into what the job hunt process entails.

The employer will offer feedback and guidance on their performance.

Martin Norris, Head of Recruitment at Realise HR and Enterprise Advisor for Caldew School, said: "Work Ready Day helps students to better understand the needs of local employers and how to position themselves in a competitive labour market.

"Working with Caldew School, my goal is to ensure that students have industry-led insight to support them with their ambitions and career aspirations."

Emphasising the importance of well-informed decision making for their students, Caldew School's Headteacher, Vicki Jackson said: “Our students have so much talent it is essential we give the guidance that allows them to make informed choices and the most appropriate route into future employment.

"Our Work Ready Day helps focus their minds on their post 16 choices. Whether that is studying in Sixth Form, T Levels, apprenticeships or BTEC Courses.

"Key to this is the fantastic support and time that businesses and training companies provide to us over the academic year. We would like to thank the 30 businesses that are joining us on the day – it will be a fantastic experience for our students.”